Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Studying History through the lens of The Concord Review research papers

I homeschool my son in California.  Our family has been reading and enjoying The Concord Review (TCR) History research papers for nearly two years now. This year, my son (who is a History buff) asked if he could use TCR for his History studies.  I was surprised at first but quickly realized that this would help him customize his study.

The Concord Review has published more than 1,000 serious History research papers, on a very wide variety of topics, by high school students from 44 states and 40 other countries since it started in 1987.

During the summer of 2015, I started looking at the myriad History study choices we had in the form of TCR research papers from various time periods of History. My son picked his top ten favorite research papers from the truly amazing TCR list and we were ready to roll.

Instead of learning History by Empire or Nation or even time period, my son wanted to conduct a comprehensive study by reviewing TCR articles in addition to reading the primary sources mentioned within the TCR research papers.

For my part, I chose to support his love for History by pairing his beloved TCR papers with podcasts, documentaries, museum visits etc.

I do not know how this experiment will play out but I do know that it is entirely kid-driven and we’re both excited to dive into it wholeheartedly. If you would like to contact me about this exciting TCR-focused course of study, please feel free to email me at arvinderoswal@gmail.com

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Will Fitzhugh for his enthusiastic support and commitment to TCR. [www.tcr.org; Fitzhugh@tcr.org]

Arvinder Oswal

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